
Support for your Business and Office

You feel that you should change something in your business? You have already done everything possible without having made significant improvements? With the profound and up-to-date Qi-Mag Business Feng Shui you can increase the success of your company and secure it in the long term.

My mission is to respond effectively and accurately to a company’s modern Feng Shui challenges. For a better understanding of how and where Feng Shui can help your business, here’s a glimpse into some of the important factors in Business Feng Shui.

Bei einer Beratung wird Ihr Unternehmen angepasst analysiert nach Schwerpunkten, Wünschen und dementsprechend Lösungen aufgezeigt.

Sitting position of the CEO in a company

For creative people, department heads and executives, it is absolutely necessary to enjoy a good view to mentally and creatively broaden their horizons. On the other hand, there is also a great need for privacy and protection against external influences. We therefore urge people in leadership positions to position their workplaces energetically correctly in order to be able to truly lead and not face daily unfruitful discussions with their employees. Because this happens automatically, if you are not sitting in the command position, but for example, the secretary is positioned at this point.

A solid base

A good office building should have a strong and solid base structure. At the same time, when customers and the public take advantage of this strong foundation, they will have more confidence and thereby give their support to the company.

An open view

Your business should be equipped with vision, meaning that you have a great view of the main entrance and windows of executives and creatives. Thus you strengthen innovation and good business; You and your employees will be open to new opportunities that come your way.

Strong backing

Your business should be backed up so that you are supported both internally and externally. A weak backing in Feng Shui means that your company is constantly confronted with problems: with employees, with banks and in the market.

Störzonen & Elektrosmog

Imagine water flowing down a steep mountain through boulders. It is considered as tearing. However, once it is allowed to flow in a meandering riverbed, it becomes gentle and brings fertility to the soil. By analogy with this example, for example, destructive behavior and poor performance of employees may be caused by their sitting in geopathic stress areas or exposure to strong electrosmog. This not only weakens their vitality and performance, but also directly helps to confuse and unbalance them. It can have particularly fatal effects on a whole company, if decision-makers sit in such places!


Buildings that support creativity and excellence should be designed to express people’s rapidly changing market and working conditions and visions, as well as having optimal feng shui. Trained consultants of the Qi-Mag-Institut therefore like to work closely with the executing architects. For existing objects, I strictly advise on the energetic Qi-Mag Feng Shui guidelines. Dr. Lim’s favorite saying is: “There’s a solution for every problem.” As a Qi-Mag consultant, I have many years of experience in Business Feng Shui and am able to draw on a wealth of remedies and opportunities, always with the goal of highest energy efficiency at the lowest possible level Effort. As a Qi-Mag Feng Shui and Tao Geomancy consultant, I also specialize in detecting and neutralizing the stress caused by different fault zones and geopathic stress fields.

The following problems of a company can be corrected by Feng Shui measures:

  • Leadership crisis
  • Lack of innvoation
  • Unproductive employees
  • Frequent accidents at work
  • Bullying and burnout
  • High sick leave
  • Unnecessary litigation
  • Too high costs
  • Low profits
  • Shop is not noticed
  • Regular customers do not build up
  • Design of corporate design & planning in buildings or departments
  • Recommendations for product presentation

Qi-Mag Business Feng Shui offers your company an interesting and effective way to support the overall success through conscious external changes!

Teamwork is the focus of the future

I am happy to help and answer your questions.